Wednesday 1 April 2015

Post Wesker Arrest RP

  • Ionia: *Peers round the door* "You comin' Turbutt?"
    Birin: "Shut up, or I will tie you to one of my tables."
    ( Lol Birin )
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Turbo: yeath,, coming thweetfathe. *as they reach the door, he turns around one last time at birkin: *boy ith your fathe red! *runs out with ionia
    (Birin xDDDD)
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Birkin: "C'mere you little runt!" *Dashes towards him*
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Turbo: *makes a dash for it, runninh down the stairs with ionia almost tripping*
    Blanky: *holds Birkin back* ignore him, hes not wortj it
  • Blanky: *takes her hands and stuffsthem into her pockets*
    Blanmy: true.
    Blanky: luckily you were right here. I know I would have died here, had it actually been me.
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Birkin: *Looks down at her stomach* "Not just you..."
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Blanky:  thankfully,  it wasn't.
    Blanky: oh of course.
    Nlanky: horror land has scientists too. The one who made the clone is a scientist in his basement.
    (Lol nlanky!!)
  • Blanky: this one time, hed made  another plant clone. His kids were sure confused.
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Birkin: "Hm... Interesting."
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    It kidnapped him and kep him prisoner in his own lab in the basement.
    (Klanky! )
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Birkin: *Bursts out laughing*
    Birkin: "You should have seen one of my delicious plant experiments."
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    (Nlanky and nirkin- even my phone knows theyre right together)
    Blanmy: oh, it was no laughing matter. Traumatised his kids it did. Luckily they saved him
    Blanky: uh...oh yeah?
  • Birkin: *Taps a key to change pages* "I wasn't mad to begin with."
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Blanky: glad to hear it. It had to be done. I was expecting it to be much worse. Thankfully it wasnt. But we werent to  know.
    *watches the screen* interesting. ..
    Blanky: well I must say, im... *cant believe shes gonna say this*
    Im proud of you, doctor.
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Birkin: *Can't help but chuckle a little at that*
    Birkin: "Proud? Of what exactly?"
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Blanky: of you. Of  your work.
    Blanky: boy, if my younger me heard me now,  she be disapproving. 
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Birkin: "Are you sure you are proud of it? The things I have done are not considered ethical by normal and legal standards."
  • osalina Nishijima
    Blanky: youre right. But for some reason I dont see you as a bad person who has done stuff not considered ethical. *keeps looking at screen*
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Birkin: *Brings up another file, this time on 'Neptune'* "This is Birkin: *Taps a key and changes to another file* "This is Neptune. She was deemed a failure. She didn't really grow that much with the T-virus and exposure to the air and lack of water made her die..." *Shrug* "A shame. I was hoping for more from her."
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Blanky: as horrific as some of themmight be, theres a scence of brilliance, you might say.
    Blanky: that is a shame about neptune. She seems lovely.
    (Aww poor shark creature )
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Birkin: "The crown jewel of the T-virus line was always 'Tyrant'. Or, should I say... T-001."
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Blanky: *looking at screen again at it*
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Birkin: "He was the start of a line of brand new bio weapons. The building blocks, if you will." *Taps a key and the screen changes to show T-001*
  • Blanky: *looks* well thsnk you, for sharing all this with  me. I feel flattered.
    Blanky: *is resting her hands on the back of his chair relaxed, unusual for her when hes talking about experiments
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Birkin: *Grins* "Did you know that Wesker was impaled by its newer model?" *Changes the screen to show T-002*
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Blanky: no way! *grins in disbelief*
    Blanky: though thats gotta hurt.
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Birkin: *Laughs somewhat darkly* "Oh yes, it was actually part of his plan."
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Blanky: really? He wanted to be impaled?
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Birkin: "He tried to program T-002 to kill all of the STARS members during the Mansion incident... Tyrant awoke, burst free from his tank and..." *Makes a squick sound*
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Blanky: ohhh...well, he had it coming then
    Blanky: though I must say, I feel sorry for his kid and Axel.
  • Especially his kid, having that virus.
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Birkin: "I am sure they will be fine. Though I am curious about Eve." *Rubs his chin* "It would be useful to know which game she was born in."
    Birkin: "That has an effect, you know."
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Blanky: it does? You mean, whether or not she will have the virus?
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Birkin: "From what Wesker has said... And I have no reason to doubt him since he too is a scientist on the same level as me... She does have the virus. What's most important is which is her host game."
    Birkin: "The game she was born in is where she is safe and will regenerate if the worst should happen. If she was, say... born in this one she needs to stay here until she is cured."
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Blanky: right...
    (Lol what a weird dream to have!)
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    ( I keep having dreams where I'm a guy. XD )
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Blanky: I wonder, how long it would take for her to be cured...
Birkin: "That is something I would need to examine her to find out.
Birkin: "But I am sure Wesker has it under control."

  • Birkin: "He's still in trouble for what he did." *Grins* "I'm not letting it slide."
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Blanky: oh, I agree with yiu entirely.  What should his sentence be?
    Blanky: you cant just do something like that to my love's lifelong work and get away with it.
    Blanky: there needs to be justice.
  • Birkin: "After you!"
    ( Meanwhile, Turbo and Ionia are probably being weird as usual. xD )
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Blanky: *goes out out of door* thanks!
    (Haha yeah! Maybe theyre at a nice 50s style diner that does milkshakes and stuff and sharing one between the two of them, with 2 straws)
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    (Actually, I had an idea for such a drawing,  with valentines day coming up and all
    *turbo and ionia are sipping a milkshake together at a 50s style bar in candy land*
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    ( Eee cute! )
  • Ionia: "Aw, why will I? If they are anything like you they'll be awesome." *Pinches his cheeks*
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    (Btw, Blankys original attire the first time she met Birkin was as you drew her in a cops uniform. The new attire is just something she started to wear at Birkins place once she got to know him)
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Turbo: *stays and lets his cheeks be pinched* well they are nuithantheth, buttheadth, imbethileth.
    (Lol! XD)
  • Rachel Prince
    Rachel Prince
    Ionia: *Leans over the table to get her face closer to his* "I know you are."
    ( Loooool )
  • Rosalina Nishijima
    Rosalina Nishijima
    Turbo: whattt?

    • Ionia: *Pokes his nose*
      Ionia: "Nothing. I just don't see how they can be as bad as you say."
      Ionia: *Rubs her foot up his leg cheekily*
    • Rosalina Nishijima
      Rosalina Nishijima
      Turbo: well, you havent lived with them thinthe birth! *suddenly feels her foot* ohhh....
    • Rachel Prince
      Rachel Prince
      Ionia: *Gives him a quick wink* "Hmm. I wonder how they'll react to... You know. Us."
    • Turbo: uhhh....well,, ith none of their buthineth anyway.
    • Rachel Prince
      Rachel Prince
      Ionia: "No, but... They won't be mad, will they?"
    • Rosalina Nishijima
      Rosalina Nishijima
      (That is serioysly such a funny cute face . But he's missibg his tasche and his hair is a bit different XD)
    • Rachel Prince
      Rachel Prince
      ( Younger Nirkin )
    • Rosalina Nishijima
      Rosalina Nishijima
      Turbo: I wluldnt care even if they were. Nothing to do with them. Only uth. Thcrew them if the dithapprove. But I doubt they will
      (Lol yeah! )
      (Dammit, my phonr is abiyt to go and I have to recharge it and myself and leave you to recharge xD
    • Rachel Prince
      Rachel Prince
      ( Hurrrrrr Boooo phone )
      ( Okie dokie )
      ( I'll be on tomorrow as always )


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