Friday 14 October 2016

Introducing Library Cleanup!

Throughout the library, Aera watched people finished their books and casually threw them to the side, not even bothering to put them away!  Oh, if only the Head Librarian could catch them in the act, then they'd get what's coming to them!  Aera huffed up and got angry, how could anyone disrespect books so much?  Calming down, she straightened her glasses out and got to work.

Best described as a humanoid snowy owl wearing a tank top and skirt, Aera stretched out her wings and went to work cleaning the library up.  She had to do it quick, though, otherwise the Head Librarian would have her head for sure.  She worked fast, but was sure to avoid hitting anything that would make noise, that would definitely catch the HL's attention.  Finishing in time, she figured she earned a snack.  The owl looked about to see if the HL was near and threw a small mouse into the air.  Catching it in her beak, she swallowed the snack.

Straightening and pushing up her glasses once again, she noticed a book that she had missed.  Picking it up, it mentioned a "world beyond".  All you had to do was solve a puzzle nobody could solve.

"World beyond, eh?"  Aera said to herself.  "Puzzle?  I'm great at puzzles!  Lets see...  Oh!  In the library, convenient!"

By now curiosity had taken over, and she found the spot in the library that the book mentioned.  Odd...  It was the front door.  Just then, something caught her eye that she had never noticed before.  As if by magic, there was a cube made of shifting parts floating over a pedestal.  She questioned the Head Librarian about it, but the HL said it had never been there before.  The book said to make it a key, and the world beyond would be open to you.  Aera got to work, solving it in about hour.  Well...  it was a key, and here was the front door.  She used the key and the door opened not to the outside world, but a tunnel.  Drawn by something, she walked into it.

Before she knew it she was in a large station full of odd characters milling about.  Wait..  She recognized some of these characters from books!  Zelda, Q-Bert, Sonic, even Mario!  They were all game characters!

Monday 25 January 2016

Star System - 21A7 Info/Gameplay

The moment you've all been waiting for!

Game name: Star System - 21A7

Basic Game Info:  A war rages across multiple galaxies.  However the original battleground, Star System 21A7, is still embroiled in brutal conflict.  Both sides have poured nearly everything they have into this battle, and the winner decides the war.  Who will win this conflict, and inevitably the war?  Will it be the Vinokians and their Imperium of Machines, or the Torassi and their Hive Empire?  Choose your side, soldier!

Gameplay:  The game is a shooter with one of those plastic guns.  The gun looks to be a high tech rifle.  The player can choose between seven missions on each side.  High scores are calculated for each mission(to encourage kids to spend more money and play each mission).
The PC moves from cover to cover throughout the level, the player controlling when they stand up in order to see past their cover and fire.  There are three ways for the PC to fire.  They can go to the right of their cover, to the left, or stand to fire from above(when cover allows, at times you will only be able to stand for firing).  When all enemies in the wave are destroyed, the PC can move forward to the next cover.  Don't take too long, though!  Cover can be destroyed, and then you'll be a sitting duck!

 - Captain Umlag(Torassi): Captain of an infantry platoon, was transferred to the Black Guard due to his skill in combat.

 - Unit 21859Y7(Vinokian): A Royal Marine, transferred to this front in order to take high risk missions.
 - Navaliok Torvakus: Torvakus of the Vinokian Soldier Caste, he is in command of all Vinokian forces in 21A7's galaxy.

- Chetyre Altakon:  Altakon of the Vinokian Fleet Caste, she is in command of all Vinokian Fleets.

- Yana Vahlak:  A turncoat from the Imperium of Machines, she has allowed the Torassi to survive and fight back.

- General Tonfa: A decorated war hero for the Torassi, in command of Torassi forces in this sector.

Notable Locations:
 - Star 21A7: The surface is the site of the Torassi colony/city and fortress.  This is where the majority of gameplay will happen, and where you find Chetyre Altakon or Yana Vahlak.

 - Vinokian Command Cruiser:  The center of Vinokian power in the system.  This is where you will find Navaliok Torvakus and the majority of Vinokians in charge.

 - Torassi Hive Fortress: The center of Torassi power in the system.  This is where you find General Tonfa and the majority of Torassi in charge.

Things to get!
 - Ammo
 - Health Packs
 - Comm Charges, used to call in reinforcements.
 - Shield Packs, used to give you a layer of shield health.

Boss Fight:
 - Chetyre Altakon:  This battle takes place in the sky.  You are on a circular platform with cover surrounding you.  You must stand and spin to find Chetyre so you can fire on her.  She only stays in one place for a short amount of time, though, and will fire on you when she gets the chance!  He gunfire is strong, so the cover wont last forever!

 - Yana Vahlak:  This battle takes place in a laboratory.  Yana will run from cover to cover, and only fire on you when behind cover.  Choose the time when she runs and as she fires to get shots off!  Be quick, though, after eight minutes a specialized EMP blast will be fully charged and knock you offline!

 - General Tonfa:  This battle takes place in the Hive Fortress Command Center.  You fight Tonfa as well as six Black Guard soldiers.  Each have a layer of shield health above their normal health.  They will all move from cover to cover, so be sure to fire as they move!  You have several bits of cover you can move between for this fight, so try not to let it all be destroyed!

- Navaliok Torvakus:  This battle takes part in three parts.  At first you have to face him and four bodyguards.  When his shields are down he will retreat, leaving you to deal with his bodyguards.  Chase him to the next room, where he will be in a mech suit.  Destroy the suit in order to cause his retreat.  Give chase!  This final part is the most difficult part.  He has six bodyguards and his shields have regen'd(any true health damage inflicted in earlier fights will stay).  They will move between cover, and his offensive capabilities have greatly improved due to his proximity to the reactor.  This fight will have generally the same mechanics as Tonfa's fight.  There is one change to the fight, however.  You can cause the reactor overload and make the bodyguards inactive for two minutes, at which point they reboot(if not destroyed) and begin fighting again.

Horrorland game play

Well, i finally forced myself to stop procrastinating and write up the Horrorland gameplay. The bits in square brackets are my notes. Any feedback/suggestions would be much appreciated.



Join officer Wood in investigating different scenarios throughout horrorland,catch and arrest monsters but careful you don't end up being caught/possesed/mutated. Visit Niky s surgery to recharge/power up from her serum and heal.

Characters: Officer Wood (playable characters) and her back up, Jez and Earl (non playable characters)
Niky (non playable)

Actions: shoot to knock out/sedate and change suit/go invisible to confuse enemies or to fit into the scene.  For example,dressing as a camper when investigating Camp Nightmare. [Explains why Blanky likes to dress up for different scenes and has so many costumes,including a bunny costume.]

Places to visit:

-Dead House: Keep your wits about you and be careful Rae doesn't keep you with him forever. Weapon to use: herb wreath.
Look out for: Rae and his gang of last century ghosts.

-Dr Brewer's lab [Stay out of the Basement scientist dad!]: Catch and arrest the scientist plant clone but be careful it's the right one. If you are not careful/out of time the clone will keep you in its basement forever.
Weapon to use: weed killer
Look out for: grabbing plants. They also weaken/suck out your energy.

-The Mummy's tomb: catch the Mummy's evil sister and release the mummy.
Watch out for: running out of time and being trapped in the tomb forever.

-The perfect school: Get past the teachers and release the kids, but beware of the kid clones. Take the kids back to their parents.
Watch out for: being caught and injected to be cloned.

-Camp Nightmare: Catch the ghosts and monsters and save the kids.
Watch out for: being caught by the monsters or being possesed by the ghosts.

Stuff to collect:
-seedlings (to give to dr Brewer-howerver, not when playing Dr Brewer's lab scenario)
-costumes e.g. bunny costume to confuse rabid bunny
-invisibility potion
-a special serum from Niky
-Fireball  (to shoot at Slappy)
-Termite ball (to shoot at Slappy -rare)
-Dennis' baseball bat (when fighting Slappy )

Power ups:
-Niky's serum
-Horrorland dog (William) has healing power for most stuff (licking) [maybe this should be a secret power though?]
-monster punches [blegh]
-coffee (because coffee is an awesome caffeine boost 8D)

Anti perks:
-rabid bunny: if you get bitten you need to get to Niky fast before you get infected.
-butterfly wings: gradually suck out energy

Final boss battle:
-Slappy: to get to Slappy you gave to first deal with his henchman Rocky, who can't easily be beaten.  It's Slappy who is most difficult to kill [players have only managed to kill him a couple of time,perhaps because the game hadn't been plugged in for too long do players didn't get enough practice.]Killing Slappy only works with a few things: Termite ball or a special weapon given to you by Dr Brewer (but you have to have given him enough seedlings.)

Character death:
-being turned into a doll by Slappy (and being taunted: 'Who's the dummy now?!')
-being mutated into a bee ('Got a bee in your bonnet, Blanky?)
Final taunt : Game over,officer. You'll need to work harder to beat me!

[I had an idea that maybe this is why the game was shut down- the final boss was difficult to beat and it had only been popular for a short while. Also my own personal experience came into this,how I was terrible even when playing games like Super Mario world and never being able to get to the final boss of the whole game, let alone beat him. So in  that respect Blanky is better than me-at least she gets to Slappy but doesnt always beat him.XDDD]