Friday 14 October 2016

Introducing Library Cleanup!

Throughout the library, Aera watched people finished their books and casually threw them to the side, not even bothering to put them away!  Oh, if only the Head Librarian could catch them in the act, then they'd get what's coming to them!  Aera huffed up and got angry, how could anyone disrespect books so much?  Calming down, she straightened her glasses out and got to work.

Best described as a humanoid snowy owl wearing a tank top and skirt, Aera stretched out her wings and went to work cleaning the library up.  She had to do it quick, though, otherwise the Head Librarian would have her head for sure.  She worked fast, but was sure to avoid hitting anything that would make noise, that would definitely catch the HL's attention.  Finishing in time, she figured she earned a snack.  The owl looked about to see if the HL was near and threw a small mouse into the air.  Catching it in her beak, she swallowed the snack.

Straightening and pushing up her glasses once again, she noticed a book that she had missed.  Picking it up, it mentioned a "world beyond".  All you had to do was solve a puzzle nobody could solve.

"World beyond, eh?"  Aera said to herself.  "Puzzle?  I'm great at puzzles!  Lets see...  Oh!  In the library, convenient!"

By now curiosity had taken over, and she found the spot in the library that the book mentioned.  Odd...  It was the front door.  Just then, something caught her eye that she had never noticed before.  As if by magic, there was a cube made of shifting parts floating over a pedestal.  She questioned the Head Librarian about it, but the HL said it had never been there before.  The book said to make it a key, and the world beyond would be open to you.  Aera got to work, solving it in about hour.  Well...  it was a key, and here was the front door.  She used the key and the door opened not to the outside world, but a tunnel.  Drawn by something, she walked into it.

Before she knew it she was in a large station full of odd characters milling about.  Wait..  She recognized some of these characters from books!  Zelda, Q-Bert, Sonic, even Mario!  They were all game characters!